Tuesday, 16 April 2013

What Prunes?

We often get delicious pork in our F&B box but as I’m slightly pork intolerant and Himself doesn’t really enjoy just eating a neat pork chop I try to find interesting ways to cook it to avoid surcharge de porc as I don’t want it languishing in the freezer.  This in mind I made a delicious slow braised pork belly dish a couple of weeks ago, it was layered with apple and potato and then cooked in the oven for several hours to an unctuous softness.  

When I stumbled on this pork dish I was looking for an alternative to the typical Asian pork belly dishes of which I have many (and are to die for).  As the portion of pork was quite big I cooked it over two nights and didn’t want the same thing twice.  So delicious Asian pork belly on Sunday followed by the French slow braised version on Monday.  Himself loved it so I decided to do that again, but with pork chops, so I figured the cooking time could be cut down to 1 hour.

Himself strolled out of the kitchen and asked what I was doing with the Pork Chops? I said I was going to do that pork and prune dish again.  Pork and Prune* says He?? Oh, did I forget to mention there were prunes in that dish last time? (said innocently). 

Himself does not like a lot of dried fruit, especially sultanas, raisins and prunes. I LOVE PRUNES! They are delicious and soak up whatever you cook them in and are especially good soaked in rum, then cooked in a rich chocolate cake.  Happily after 3 hours the prunes had dissolved away, no need to mention the prunes.  I do sneak ‘stuff’ into my food with regularity I must admit, what he doesn’t know… 

The pork is browned (I used lard, who needs oil?) and removed from the pan, then the onions were cooked and the pork put back in to the pot, prunes were nestled in amongst the pork pieces and some juniper berries sprinkled over the top along with fresh thyme, salt and pepper.  Some of my BFF’s home made, spiced still cider was sloshed over the top**, followed by a layer of finely sliced granny smith apple, a sprinkling of sugar then finely sliced potatoes.  The potatoes were dotted with butter, more pepper and salt then into the oven for about an hour until the potatoes were golden.

 I served with white bean mash and steamed asparagus, topped with a garlicky, eggy crumble (because I can).

All delice.  I’ve added the recipe.  If you want to use belly I’ll give the times for that too.

*Nose wrinkling
**A glass of which I’m enjoying whilst typing this blog

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