Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Day One and the Disappointment of the Bull(sh1t) and (un)Bear(able)

Ahhh jetlag… what a drag right? Here I am at 6am writing this; can’t say I’m looking forward to it again on our return to Australia. Glad we’ve got a couple of days before we start back at work.  So Christmas Day and my 40th are actually a bit of a blur.  We did some exploring and a lot of eating.

Breakfast was at a local café in the East Village, I had the Cheddar Grits with poached eggs and himself had Corned Beef Hash with eggs over easy and a potato pancake (you can take the boy out of Ireland and all that).  We also had a side of bacon.  Happily the meal was not as huge as I thought it might be... 

So grits, right? I know the concept; it’s a corn grain porridge jobbie, so I figured it would be like polenta which I love and besides, you need to try all this stuff right? To be honest, a bit bland, I didn’t get the Cheddar at all and it was runnier than I thought it would be so it was like a gritty (hah! I see what they did there…) porridge.  Himself enjoyed his well enough, he’d not tried corned beef hash before, but neither of us would rush out to try those particular dishes again.

We then strolled up town (I think that’s the correct ‘I’m a local and totes blending in with my NY lingo’) along Broadway.  Now there’s a drag, everywhere we go there’s some road, or sign, or whatever that pops a song into my head, so of course we were On Broadwaaaaayyyy da da da dada… but I digress.  We found Macy’s and the famed window displays, they were okay but Himself reckoned last years were better.  I’m looking forward to going in and shopping tomorrow…  More exciting were the squirrels in Madison Park and Union Square.  We met this guy who was walking through the park with about four squirrels were following him, when he noticed us giggling he explained he was making a tutting noise and the squirrels think he’s opening nuts so they were following him! Ha! True story, we tried it, does work… They also were happy to take bits of pretzels off me.

We got up to Times Square which was not as big I expected, it’s a sort of junction where a few roads cross, not an actual square, but there are as many lights and signs as you’d think though.  Also, I’m not sure how they film anything there for TV and movies, as it was heaving with tourists.  Very glad we’re staying where we are it was really touristy and busy up that end of town.  Also very, very glad we’re not going the Times Square NYE ball drop thingy, the ball was quite small, and the crowd will be very large.  We’re going to a Speak Easy instead…

Up that end of town there’s lots of guys selling tour bus tickets so aside from the one time I foolishly pulled out my pop-up-pocket-new-york-map (thank you D&G – it’s AWESOME) in full view so we had one guy do the “only $60 for a jump on jump off tour special for you today!!!!!” spiel we managed to blend in with the locals and avoid the constant hard sell that most gormless tourists seem to be bombarded with (check us out, livin’ like the locals…)

By now I was speaking a language that was kind of English but mainly braille so we strolled back down our way and went to Little Italy for a pizza lunch.  We found a place that was open on Christmas Day and enjoyed a delicious pizza plus some starters (well, I think we enjoyed it, Himself assures me we did but my brain was done).  So then back to the apartment for an hour snooze which seemed to do the trick – so off to dinner!!

As mentioned yesterday we went to the Waldorf for dinner at their steakhouse called the Bull & Bear.  It was nice. It was a set menu so no Waldorf salad for me alas.  They did give me a free glass of champagne as it was my birthday; that was nice, but back to the food.  For starter I had Jerusalem artichoke soup with truffle oil and Maine lobster (wafer thin slices).  Himself got the foie gras.  His came as the whole liver on a plate, grilled with a postage stamp sized piece of toast beside it…. Hmmm bread to gras ratio fail.  One mouthful and by the peculiar look on his face I could tell it wasn’t for him.  My soup was delicious so I did the magnanimous thing and offered to swap.  I’ve never had it like that, just a big lump on your plate.  To be fair it’s not offally at all but it was cold in the middle – not sure if it was meant to be but I can’t say I enjoyed the warm-on-the-outside-cold-in-the-middle-is-this-damn-thing-cooked-properly?? feeling … 

So on to the second which was risotto for him and cod in a clam broth for me.  Happily I didn’t have to man up again and eat his second course for him as well (just saying).  He said the risotto was stodgy and bland and mine wasn’t much better, couldn’t taste the fish at all, just the clams so it was a clam-and-cotton-wool dish for me. 

Ah well, on to the main (or entrée as they call it here) we both went with the fillet as it is a steak house.  Mine was an over cooked medium but Himself’s was the correct medium rare.  I have to say, the highlight of that particular dish was the beans… they were nice…  The steak was hardly F&B quality but acceptable.  We won’t even discuss dessert, the waiter declared that yes, pinot noir does go beautifully with dessert so she’d arrange for it in 5 minutes (this was after we’d said we’d finish our wine BEFORE dessert – she appeared to know better).  Dessert was stodge and ice-cream.  The wine did not go, we were not surprised.  We were, however, surprised at the bill… $570!!! They had helpfully added their own tip of $80 in and we did not feel the need to add any more.  We decided that while the meal was nice it was maybe only $200 worth of nice, definitely not over $550 worth of nice and will be sharing that opinion on various food forums.

Back to the apartment for a better night sleep – I woke to the symphony of gurgling that is the heating a couple of times but aside from that, a much better night’s sleep.  Today’s a shopping day – can’t wait!!

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