Wednesday, 13 July 2011

A Note on Cold Remedies...

I know, hardly slow cooking is it? But I have been struck down with a lurgy and wanted to share with you all a drink my mum used to make for me (she got it from some natural remedy place) which I now make for myself that I think really does help.  You still get said cold but it doesn’t seem to last so long and perhaps the symptoms not so severe.  When she used to make it all but the garlic were ground spices but I have upped the ante with fresh ingredients with the exception of the turmeric, which you could also get fresh if your green grocer stocks turmeric root.  The turmeric is my addition to the recipe.  An Indian lady once told me they give honey mixed with turmeric for sore throats; apparently it has anti-bacterial properties...  I know people often think of turmeric as something that just gives colour but it has a lovely musky flavour.  I always grate the garlic and ginger as it makes for easier drinking (less sharp corners!)
So here it goes:
1 garlic clove grated
Fresh ginger (about an equal quantity to the garlic) grated
1 small red chilli seeds removed diced very, very finely
½ tsp ground turmeric
1 large tsp honey
Juice and zest of 1 large juicy lemon

Put all ingredients in a glass or mug.  Top up with hot water from the tap (do not use boiling water as you’ll destroy the vitamin C in the lemon).  Due to the turmeric it should turn an excitingly lurid yellow.  Drink it all down including the chunky bits.  I find this is easier if you give it a stir before each swallow so you’re not left with lots at the bottom you have to try and eat neat as it were.
You get used to the taste eventually J

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